Hourglass figure
That's what the world has chosen to see
As perfection
In a woman
In me
Yet I am just a girl
I am no different than any other
Not special
Not beautiful
With nothing interesting to uncover
I tried so hard
I hurt
I starved
Until this perfection was reached
Time went by
Sand trickling down glass
The monster came alive
Black as a raven’s feather
Relentless as a weed
It stole into my mind
It bore its evil seed
And the hourglass was turned over
Time started again
Things continued on
I continued searching for perfection
But with a shadow over my eyes
That kept me from seeing
The pain that I wrought
Upon my body
Upon my mind
Upon the people close to me
I only now can avert my eyes
From that wicked hourglass
I have realized my mistake
The question is
Am I too late?
This damage that I've done
Can it be fixed?
Can the cloud lift?
From my eyes
So I will stop
Hurting myself
And those I love
Because I can feel it there
Waiting to strike
I am weak
It already has control
Of me
I am scared
Of what is beyond
If this beast
Can not
Will not
Leave me alone
Hourglass is what I want
Toothpick is what I got
But it's so hard
To heal the wound
The one that refuses to mend
I am slipping away
My life
My energy
My strength
Like the sand in the hourglass
I'm almost gone