Monday, December 26, 2011

Love, What Is It?

Such a strange, complicated thing
Surprising you every time
The view always changing
There are many different kinds of love
For different kinds of people

The love you have for your family
Is one that comes just out of bond
They share your blood
They sometimes share your trust
You're always close so you know them so well
Eventually you come to love some of the crazy things about them
Although you may hate others
But they're your family
Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers

The love you have for your friends
Is one less serious, but strong all the same
The closer they are, the more you start to share their pains
You're silly together, you're sad together
Eventually you come to understand one another like you shared a brain
Those close friends are the ones that start to become like family
But you're more comfortable with them sometimes
You tell them everything 

Then there is the love you have for someone special
Someone you want to see more often
The part of you that you feel is missing
Is filled by them
You want them to always be near
You think they're perfect, despite their flaws
To be by their side forever, your love for them is that strong
They are the ones closest to your heart
But they're the hardest to find

And yet they're all the same in a way
All these different loves
They're a feeling of closeness
But more than that
It's the feeling of butterflies in your stomach
Or of your heart swelling up
Smiling even if you don't want to
Inside jokes that make only the ones that know them laugh

Love is hard to describe
And difficult to duplicate
Sometimes you think you feel it
You want to feel it
But really it isn't there

Sometimes it's not permanent
Love isn't necessarily everlasting
Maybe the feeling isn't shared
And you're forced to push it away
And maybe you lose faith in it ever returning

Those who live without love are the saddest of all
Not necessarily missing a soul mate
More like living without family
Without anyone close to your heart
Constantly lonely
You need other people
Even if it's just one
Someone out there understands you
You should keep them in your life

I'm not sure where I'm going anymore
With this poem about love
It could go on forever
Books have been written
Movies have been made
Songs have been sung
Art has been created
All to try and describe this feeling 
One that comes from not only our brains
But everywhere else too
It's a part of your being
It's a part of you

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